/* Socket communication between canvas and a C program */
/* Here is example code : */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#define uchar unsigned char
/* Remark about buffer size for sysread() given for perl also applies for read() here. */
#define MSGBUFSIZE 100000
#define REPLYBUFSIZE 1000
uchar msgbuf[MSGBUFSIZE] ;
uchar* msgbufnext = msgbuf ;
uchar replybuf[REPLYBUFSIZE] ;
int sockfd ;
void ConnectToCanvas( void ){
struct sockaddr_un sockstructun ;
int sunlen ;
uchar* sockfilename = (uchar*)"/tmp/canvas.sock" ;
int ck ;
sockfd = socket( PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
if( sockfd < 0 ){ printf("ERROR: cant create socket.\n"); exit(0); }
sockstructun.sun_family = AF_UNIX ;
strcpy( sockstructun.sun_path , (char*)sockfilename );
sunlen = SUN_LEN( &sockstructun );
ck = connect( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &sockstructun , sunlen );
if( 0 > ck ){ printf("ERROR: nok connect.\n"); exit(0); }
void SendMessage( void ){ /* sends buffered message */
int len ;
int ck ;
len = msgbufnext - msgbuf ; if( len <= 0 ){ printf("nothing to send"); return ; }
/* zero termination is desirable but not required : */
if( *msgbufnext != 0 ){ *(msgbufnext++)= 0 ; } len++ ;
ck = write( sockfd, msgbuf, len );
if( ck != len ){ printf("ERROR: wrote %d of %d bytes\n", ck, len ); }
msgbufnext = msgbuf ;
/* wait for server to send a reply, by doing a blocking read : */
ck = read( sockfd, replybuf, REPLYBUFSIZE - 1 ); /* leave space for terminator */
if( ck < 0 ){ printf("failed read.\n"); exit(0); }
/* don't rely on received string being terminated : */
replybuf[ck] = 0 ;
printf("got reply, size=%d string=%s\n", ck, replybuf );
void AppendMessage( void* newmsg ){
int len ;
len = strlen( (char*)newmsg );
if( MSGBUFSIZE - (msgbufnext - msgbuf) - 1 < len ){ SendMessage(); }
if( len > MSGBUFSIZE - 1 ){ printf("message too long\n"); exit(0); }
if( msgbufnext != msgbuf ){ *(msgbufnext++) = '\n' ; }
memcpy( msgbufnext, newmsg, len ); msgbufnext += len ;
int main( void ){
AppendMessage("drawline 10 10 100 100");
AppendMessage("setdrawcolor 255 0 0 255");
AppendMessage("drawline 10 100 100 10");
AppendMessage("setdrawcolor 255 255 128 0");
/* compile with :
pushd /my/prive/projects/Canvas/v4/doc
cc csocketexample.c -o csocketexample -W -Wall